Wednesday, March 31, 2010

city nomads

For Sale - CHEAP!

I couldn't resist. I drove by these cars again today (they are on a regular route) and was amazed to see the tiny, trickling stream behind them. Yes, these are the same exact cars that were totally under water yesterday. They have not been moved. Isn't that amazing?!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Still drowning!

Ryan had his eye on this VW Cabriolet which has been for sale for awhile.
My guess is he could get it at a bargain price now!

monday, march 29 (late)

Not sure I captured what I saw - the challenge in lifting the camera, period. Sitting in a waiting room with not much else to do, I started looking. I swear I saw something in the light at the edge of these blinds. If I didn't capture it, which I feel I didn't, bear with me. Hopefully, after a few more seasons of playing this game I'll be able to grab the light right out of the sky.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Ok, I know I am repeating with the splash pic, but I am preoccupied with wet and water these days. We have had nothing but rain for a month now. We get a brief respite for a few days, then suddenly it is down pouring again. I realize it is spring, rain happens in spring, but we have had a alarming amount of rain this year - lots of flooding all ready. I have been taking advantage of the endless rain to try to work on my 'freeze' techniques. I love water and the endless photographic possibilities it presents. Sorry if I bore but I think I could spend days trying to catch those drips at just the right moment.....

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Took this before seeing my photo-partner's post. In synch again. Khafre is my girl - she summoned me years ago. Wanting a dog, I began learning about different breeds to see what doggie temperament fit well with how I live. I stumbled across the description of an affenpinscher and fell in love! But when I looked into getting a puppy I couldn't find a local breeder and affen pups on the Internet were much more expensive than I could swing (besides, I couldn't bring myself to have someone else pick out a puppy and ship it up to me on an airplane...).

Eventually I let go of getting a puppy and opened my heart to adopting an adult dog. There was an ad in the paper for giving a dog a second chance and a "lifetime home." I called. The lady on the other end of the phone listed the dogs in need of a home: Boston terrier, lab, affenpinscher. I'm so grateful that Khafre called to me and waited it out until I found her.

Mexican Stand Off, Doggie Style

Then the attack...

She looks totally evil, but they are actually playing.
I am glad they love me so those teeth are not directed my way!

my server was down (really)

Yesterday was the 46th anniversary of the 9.2 magnitude earthquake that decimated Anchorage, Kodiak, the peninsula, and much of South East. The 4th Avenue theatre survived that quake and still stands in downtown Anchorage as a landmark and miracle. Above, the history lesson; below, the post intended for 27 March 2010. An unintended theme (though this flower is... dead. Maybe that punches a whole in the concept).

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Sudden Theme

Spent the entire day today in Hartford again at Kelly's State gymnastics meet. I brought my camera. My goal was to finally master the elusive dark gym, sports pic, no flash hurtle....the professional photographers were all there and clearly know how to do it (but they get to be down on the floor). I gave up before I even started. Another day I guess to conquer that challenge. Instead, I used the old backup plan and took a picture of one of the flowers in her bouquet.

Thursday, March 25, 2010



This squirrel was happily foraging until I came out with the camera,
then he wasn't so sure.
Should he run or should he stay?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Close enough?

There was a blood drive at my daughter's school today. I gave blood. I had intended to bring my camera and work on my 'public' photography skills, but alas, I chickened out. So I arrived home and wondered how I could represent my contribution in a more artsy way.... blood drop, tear drop, kind of vascular looking....too much of a leap?

Monday, March 22, 2010

ice underneath

M&M Art

Clearly no one taught me not to play with my food....

Sunday, March 21, 2010

not a bird in sight

yet I hear them all around

Love Birds?

A pair of Morning Doves settling in for the night.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

bug - version 2.0

This the the third disc of a seven disc book. Somehow my computer read all the other discs with the actual author and chapter headings. I sort of like this interpretation of chapter titles (given the other track names, don't you want to know what track three means?) but it makes organizing the book more challenging.

A bug!

First one I've seen...Spring must be coming.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Still looking for spring color

Winter drab outside, nothing colorful pushed up through the leaf litter yet.

Decided to look for some color inside and got distracted by my favorite vase...

Cobalt blue, my absolute favorite color...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

crossing branches and shadows

Still playing...

with the various manual settings on my camera.
I was sitting in a parking lot trying to catch a picture of the sun as it rapidly set behind this house. I literally only got two shots off before it was behind the house and no longer visible. I was really happy that I managed to catch the sun rays as they bounced off the roof - that was my goal. woo-hoo!

Monday, March 15, 2010

hoping for a good sunset

but found the sight in the mirror more interesting


Ok, I finally broke down (after how many years of ownership?) and started trying to figure out some of the millions of functions on my digital camera. Sad part is I used to know how to do all this stuff with my old 35mm film camera, now I feel completely clueless and have to start anew. I spent some time today playing with the shutter speed and aperature settings... kinda fun experimenting with something as simple as lamps/lights.....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Aleutian Grey


Four inches of rain in 24 hours, things are a little soggy around here.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

candlelight II

Truth be told, when it gets to this hour of the night and I haven't yet taken a pic for the day... I end up sitting at the same table (the one where I have candles lit near constantly) and snap something that's close by.

Another confession while I'm at it: tonight I was at a performance of local singer/songwriters and I didn't take one picture though my camera was with me the whole time!!!!! It was a great night - quality music, great personalities, and beautiful opportunities for engaging photos. And I chickened out. Didn't take even one surreptitious photo. Damn. One of the things that photogaming has taught me is that every moment passes. Photography is based on two things: light and timing. And you can't repeat the moment. Nope. When it's gone, it's gone. That's the tough love of photography.


I went through this spectacular residential neighborhood today on my way to the University of Hartford (for Kelly's math competion). The houses were absolutely unbelievable! Who would have thought that miserable, gang infested, urbanized Hartford still has some beautiful areas?! I thought this one was so awesome, I just had to pull over (with cars wizzing all around me) to snap the photo.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

turn of the century

Not quite ancient, but it surfaced in my studies today. Since I got a snap of a flower yesterday, it seemed appropriate.

Ancient in the modern

As you can probably tell from the condition of the chain, I wear these all the time.
Never take them off (except to take the pic!)
The hieroglyphics on the cartouche are my initials, just like the ancients.
The Greek coin, an image of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Art, Strength, Justice & Skill.
Ancient reminders carried with me every day.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Winter/Spring Debris

So it begins.
Though the river is never entirely free of debris,
it is heaviest from now until June.
Huge pieces of wood from the frozen North
drift South with the Spring thaw.

Monday, March 8, 2010

same tree

This lilac has been on photo threesixtyfive before. There is something about how it looks in the street light at night - I haven't quite caught it, so you'll see this tree again.