Monday, November 30, 2009

Tis the season

Our tree topper awaiting his/her rise to the top,
our decorated tree tells the story of our life together,
each ornament represents a significant event,
a new ornament added to our journey each year,
another family tradition.
We are going to need a bigger tree soon!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

holding it alll together

All kinds of support for the museum

Tree's in the Rigging

Homemade tin-can lanterns,
Vintage cars,
Boat parade,
A tradition,
Ushering in the holiday season together.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

holiday lights

My baby girl

Shopping, make-up, clothes, new hair styles.
Watching my baby grow into a young woman.
Embracing the girl she is,
celebrating the woman she is becoming.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Geek Squad

Wearing my IT hat today, making my way through my mother's lists of computer woes. Taking time while things were working to chat and check photo threesixtyfive.

a little time to create

Making this little box is a fun little something to do with my hands. When I'm in the studio I experience a simple joy. Though someone might like the looks of this treasture box or not, when I'm making it the only thing I'm thinking about is the box. It is a freedom I love. Just making something.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I was supposed to be shoveling the driveway

The perfect cookie

Like the cake, the cookie has a story.
A difficult recipe, a novice cook exploring alone,
a total disaster.
Imperfection for the perfectionist.
Redemption with guidance,
mother daughter bonding over baking,
a perfect night,
the perfect cookie.
(taken at 1212am Thanksgiving morning)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving eve

Dark till camera flash
lights up snowflakes. What is seen
depends on your lens.


As I start preparations for the bounty of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of how truly blessed I am. Family, friends, health, happiness, security. There are too many in this world who are not as fortunate. I pass by this old house many times each day, it reminds me to be grateful, to be humble, to be generous, to be understanding.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

looking back

A professional photographer took the picture that I just took a picture of.


I was sitting in a parking lot tonight waiting for Kelly to finish orchestra practice and wondering what I would submit for my picture today. No inspirations all day, then I saw the flag flapping and knew that would be it. I was futzing with the settings on the camera in an attempt to achieve artsy, really ended up as just plain weird. You live and learn.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

one shot, two shot

One Shot. There is something about that rule, something honest. Saints was my one for today. Slightly out of focus. So is my life. Nothing wrong with that, eh?

Feet of the Critters was my second shot.
Honest or otherwise, I kept clicking.

Fall is all about leaves, right?

I am back to leaves again because leaves completely dominate my Autumn. I spend a tremendous amount of time each year moving leaves. Zede loves 'leaf season'. Give her a ball and a monstrous pile of leaves and she is happy for the rest of the day. She buries her ball, she buries herself and burrows around like an earth bound submarine. She makes me laugh and reminds me that even chores can provide endless fun and entertainment if you are just willing to take the time to enjoy!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Ok, boring picture of a cake, I know. However, this cake represents eight years of history together. For our girls, for the coaches, for the families. It is the end of our girl's travel soccer experience as they age out of the program and move on to High School sports next year. Pat has been coaching many of these girl's since kindergarten. A bittersweet night.

chop wood; carry water

True, it may not look
like much; the washer neither.
Have to look inside.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

To remain quiet
a challenge, until I gaze
out. Swallowed by sky.


I love this window. I know I have taken other 'window' shots for this game, but as I was continuing with my 'cleaning frenzy' today (and cleaned this window) I was reminded how much I love it. The shape, the view, the location, the memories rekindled by 15 years of looking through it. One shot and yet it says so much to me.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Roses in November?

Yes, I have roses in my garden in November. Three to be exact. I cut the delicate buds and brought them into the warmth of the house before they froze to death outside. They are now blossoming and giving a little burst of spring color in the otherwise earthy tones of our usual autumn tableau. Crazy, I know!

red red wine

Between the form of Life and Life
The difference is as big
As Liquor at the Lip between
And Liquor in the Jug
The latter -- excellent to keep --
But for ecstatic need
The corkless is superior --
I know for I have tried

Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

below zero

hoar and rime

Creativity for the digit-head

This is a kusadama ball, it has an 18" diameter and 120 pieces of folded paper. Creativity for the orderly, mathematically minded of my household. We are origami addicts - Kelly and I made this as a 'fun' project a few years hangs in our foyer, a paper sun to make us smile each day.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The end

of the match

The beginning

I had big plans of getting a picture of Kelly doing her full today, she forgot. Instead I walked into the gym just in time to catch the beginning of her floor routine - one shot, before she became one big blur.... I find photography in a gym to be an endlessly difficult task (no flash allowed) so perhaps in this year of photography I will finally master the skill and get a great action shot of her later on. That is my goal, we will see..... :o)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

miles of silk

Fall back

"Fall Back" means no longer getting up in the pitch dark (for now) but it does mean coming home from soccer games in the dark. Today was the last fall game for Kelly's travel team...beautiful sky to guide us home.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

studies and avoiding studies

I'm supposed to be writing a paper on Creativity at the moment. Huge topic, eh? Since I'm having trouble narrowing it down, I decided to get creative and take some snaps (yes, I've ignored the no-re-take rule. many times over).

Dog Days?

"Dog Days of Summer". In our house rainy days are dog days. Other activities get canceled, we all have an excuse to lounge and relax, it becomes the dog's day. You're sitting? Then you're available to play with and entertain me.....

Friday, November 13, 2009

in sync again

A child's lair

My Lair

Where my ass gets flat, my tummy gets rounder and my eyes get a bit blurrier each day. Once again, not a very artistic picture but definitely a hot spot in my regular daily life!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Wings of temperance
stretching beyond frames into
currents of light: blue

A summation

One shot, early on today, this was it, so why wait?
This picture pretty much sums up mine and Kelly's past week.
H1N1? Seasonal Flu?
With all the media hype & mass hysteria,
in the end what does it all mean?
This is the face of sick.
A babyhood blanket, imploring eyes and Mom.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One shot, just give me one shot

A pricey addiction, but wonderful none-the-less.

freedom and limit: not opposites

Limits within these
lines, strict syllabic counting:
pendulum swining

"Why do apple blossoms always have five petals? Only children ask such questions. Adults pay little attention to such things, taking them for granted, like the fact that we use only as many numbers as we can count on our ten fingers. When we look deeply into the patterns of an apple blossom, as seashell, or a swinging pendulum, however, we discover a perfection, an incredible order, that awakens in us a sense of awe that we knew as children. Something reveals itself that is infinitely greater than we are and yet part of us; the limitless emerges from limits."

Gyorgy Doczi
The Power of Limits; Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art and Architecture

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

From Grandma Smith, 1914

Turn the knob Boy in
Blue, sing for Francina year
one: decades caroon.

A rut already?

Continuing my thoughts from yesterday, I am still in the 'appreciate my body' mode today.... Not a very artsy photo, but a pretty accurate representation of a yoga day.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My body, myself

I am critical and unforgiving of my body, yet today I was thinking about all the things my body does for me on a daily basis year after year, without complaint, without expectation. With my new mantra of 'mindfulness and intention' I realized that I have to learn to focus less on my imperfections and instead celebrate the positive. A huge leap for me as far as body image goes.

So, I blew the one shot rule today because it did take me a while to set up the camera so I wasn't taking an old lady porn pic....don't want to horrify, just celebrate! First time I have ever taken a pic like this, so gotta say it was mighty liberating after I got over being embarrassed for myself! :o)

There's 907, and there's 907

In a county big
as this, moose lift and bellow
Can you hear me now?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Belated B-day celebration

Nice homecooked dinner, homemade cake with plenty of chocolate icing, the theater, wacky gifts. Ushering in another year with the Wheeler clan.

one shot, but where?

Lamplight falling moon
ornamental tree has shed
leave the spot marked X