Monday, May 31, 2010

the return of the "One Shot" rule

hidden bumble bee

I would have gone for a second (even third) shot, but bumble hid completely under the brown leaf.

Memorial day campfire

Friday, May 28, 2010

snag and seed

Throw-up or faint?

She was so nervous she thought she might do either, but in reality she did beautifully! One of 3 winners picked out of 350 entries - Memorial Day essay answering the question: Why should you be proud to call yourself an American? She had to read it in front of the entire student body, veterans, parents, teachers & town representatives. I think I would have opted for throwing up....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

a small breeze

In one day, the May Day Tree opened. That's all it takes: the smallest miraculous amount of time. And the breeze? When this image is big enough the breeze shows in the smallest miraculous blur.

She's in!

and waiting for the frolicking to begin!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

When in doubt... v 2.0

I did take this before seeing my partner's post!

bones (25 May, 2010)

I blame Percocet for this late post.

When in doubt...

...resort to the fail safe flower picture!
I love these flowers, not only for their wonderful colors but because they close up at night.
So sweet!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I was up half the night making posters for a lacrosse event this Thursday, so didn't have much time for picture taking. Snapped this one as I ran out to the car for something. Better than nothing I suppose.
(Submission for 5/24/10)

Monday, May 24, 2010

more window karma?

There's good karma here, too, it's just harder to capture with the camera. And... I will get passed this sepia kick. Bear with me.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Backyard medicine

Cow Parsnip, Horsetail, Willow, Cottonwood

Sunset on the river

First evening on the river for the 2010 season.
Put the dinghy and mooring in tonight,
big boat goes in this week.
So it begins.

Window Karma (post for 22 May 2010)

Having been encouraged to remove the after market tinting on my driver and passenger windows by the citation wielding officer - at the same time as the old windows were being upgraded in my home - I've taken the opportunity to re-vision and open the window to myself and those around me (Window Karma is a term borrowed from my friend Michael).

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

the old yard

Dad's back home

feeling goofy after his vacation to Florida

Times Square on a Wednesday afternoon

Who are all these folks?
Are they all tourists?
Is that humanly possible?!
(submission for 5/19/10)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Boat in a bottle

I have spent an hour trying to get the perfect picture of this, but believe it or not because of the shape of the bottle, light reflections off the glass and the size of the whole thing, it has turned out to be a not so easy task! My battery on my camera finally died so I am having to post one of my less than perfect attempts. I think I might have to revisit this subject matter at a later date and see if I can match my idea to the reality. Short story of the boat in the bottle - made by my grandmother when she was in her 20's and confined to a TB sanitarium in Upstate NY. Told she would die there, she lived to be 80. This is the only thing I wanted from her estate. There are precious few left...this is the smallest one with the boat being a mere 1 1/2" tall..... she scrounged toothpicks, nails, thread, paper, and scraps of wood to create these wonderful works of art and help her pass the time... truly a treasure!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Sourdough Biscuits and the Green Doo Project

(the event included little leaguers dancin', camerawoman and fans, the pitcher's mound, the "green doo" against the backstop, and -of course - The Sourdough Biscuits!)

Please forgive me or maybe I should say please indulge me. I am posting so many photos because I had so much fun today! My friend's band, The Sourdough Biscuits, asked me to get a few shots for them today. A few rounded off to nearly 200! With that said, most of them were blurry enough that I now must claim it as my signature style. Still, some of them came out okay - or at least I hope the band thinks so. They offered me a bottle of vino in exchange for a good shot of the "Green Door" (which turned into the "Green Doo" after a typo that stuck). The Biscuits sing a song called "Green Door." ( Michael happened to have a green door laying around, and one day as this door lay propped up on his back deck Michael and his son Matt took pics of it and... The Green Doo project was born. There's talk of haulin' that doo all around town for pics of the icon over the course of the summer. Stay tuned...

Creepy critter at work

A walk through my past

The world famous "Walter's Hot Dog" Stand.
Best hot dogs in the entire universe,
and thats coming from someone who doesn't normally like hot dogs!
(Submission for 5/14/10 - sorry got home too late to post last night!)

Friday, May 14, 2010

old things waiting for renewal

except for the whale bone... pretty sure that one's not waiting for anything.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Auld Lang Syne

The Boys

Best friends for eons.
Inducted into the National Honor Society tonight.
A proud moment for all of us.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Horse Bliss

A pasture full of tall grass and a friend to share it with.