Friday, April 30, 2010


The Flaming Onion

One of the highlights at Kelly's favorite restaurant.
A birthday treat for my baby girl who turned 14 today.
(Note: I took this picture in a PUBLIC forum without being surreptitious!
Maybe there is hope for the old girl yet!?)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Steam, mirror

Okay, I'm trying... to come up with... shots. Plain and simple. It has been six months that we've been playing photothreesixtyfive and it is challenging to expand my vision. I believe that there is a fantastic photo to be made every moment my eyes are open. The challenge of photogaming is twofold. First I have to notice that what I'm seeing is divine. Second, I have to capture, or at least illustrate, such divinity. Of course, that is impossible. But according to the little dangling tag on my teabag, "Happiness comes when you overcome the most impossible challenge." That said, I'll be trying again tomorrow.

Mighty Oak

Just starting to pop - not quite shading the whole yard yet.

Early Alzheimer's?

According to the candles, I am anywhere between the age of 1 and 6,311.
(This is my submission for yesterday 4-28-10)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

my turn

Sunrise, as seen from my deck.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Going, going....

almost gone! No snow left on the South side of my house, but some lingers still on the North side. A few days ago I was marching after my dog as she was gallavanting in the yard - forgot that there was a bit of a hill masked by the snow and was punching through wet, grainy snow up to mid-calf. Might not have been so bad if it weren't for the fact that I had donned my husband's shoes... which, at this point in the chase filled with snow. This is the remaining evidence of my efforts (pointless, really, all I had to do was say do you want a treat? and she would've come runnin').

My Turn....

Been running around all day,
didn't see anything inspiring to take a photo of.
Sitting at the table tonight with Kelly as she opened an early b-day card,
too funny!
Instant photo.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Guess what

It's past 10:30pm. No pic. And... I'm sitting at the same table (where so many of my pics have been taken). Guess what. So. Nothing at that table is as cute as a clueless dog and a cheeky chick. But still, there is fire.

Nest building 101

Step 1: Find a clueless dog
Step 2: Sneak up behind clueless dog
Step 3: Brace legs & yank
Step 4: Repeat over & over until clueless dog clues in

Saturday, April 24, 2010

not the sunset

...just over-exposed. I like that look. That's a window to my soul.

Windows to the soul?

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get a picture of your own eyeball?!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Potter's Marsh

A sunrise this time

Though I am up early enough each day to see the sunrise, I am rarely able to catch a picture because I don't have time to stop. Today was the exception as I drove Patrick to his early morning surgery - I was pretty excited to catch the early morning sun, but realized belatedly that I seem to include way too many sun pictures in this game. Clearly, I am way too fascinated with the many ways the sun manifests itself.....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

nearly unnecessary

Although we had a snowstorm this afternoon, the sun did come out in the evening. Sun's setting near 10p. Won't be turning these on after a few more weeks. Now... we just need the snow to go away.

Dusting off the cobwebs

First ride of the season

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Buddha: before coffee

after coffee

A pause to reflect?

Saw this photo op when I was sprinting by on my morning walk with a friend.
I didn't pause and reflect,
I merely made a mental note and returned after our walk.
I paused long enough to take the photo...
does that count?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

golden inside & out

This incense burner has shown up in the blog already, and I'm not sure this is much of a variation on that shot... but tonight this caught my eye.

Waiting for the bus

Monday, April 19, 2010


Breaking & Entering 101

Keys, a wonderful thing.
When they are locked inside your car, in the ignition, not so wonderful.
Patrick, my father, Ryan & I learned how to break & enter today
without actually breaking anything!
My husband is pretty darn clever.
All kinds of hidden talents I never knew he had.
(I would have taken a picture of the actual breaking & entering
but alas my camera was locked in the car too!)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

suitcase in hand

Walking down memory lane

We spent the last two days touring colleges in NY with Ryan.
While there, we took a little walk down memory lane...
Submission for 4/16 was Patrick's old house in Utica New York,
spent two years of his life there.
Submission for Saturday 4/17 was "Old Main" at SUNY Cortland.
Four years of our lives - recognize it?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Z. J. Loussac library steps


Messing around in the yard with my son.
I provided plenty of hearty laughs for my opponent.
He had fun wacking me on the head.
I want to know how anyone can see with those helmets on?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

corner of snowshoe and snowstorm

It was snowing when I took this shot. For some reason the falling snow doesn't show up on film. Still so much to learn about photography...

Apparently it's contagious

My version after being inspired by Kelly's

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Boredom Breeds Creativity

Spring break, out of all sports with a back injury, bored.
Took Kelly all day to create this beautiful masterpiece.
Kelly is upset that this picture does not sufficiently show all the detail and thought she put into this creation.

Monday, April 12, 2010

fireside contemplation


He is strutting his stuff and she is cleary unimpressed.
He was not to be dissuaded though and kept at it.
Pretty accurate summation of all male/female relations?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

the only color in my world

Anchorage is a dust bowl (with residual snow turning more grayish-brown by the day). If it wasn't for studying anatomy, and the required anatomy coloring book, my weekend would've been very bleak.

Mystery Plant

This plant was left of my front steps.
No note, no instructions, just a pretty yellow bow.
Would love to know who gave it to us, but it remains a mystery to be solved.

Spirit Strength

Pendent from Brenda, rings from Mom.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sweet Roxie

For Sale to the right owner.
I can't have birds with my killer dog, but Roxie and I bonded in the safety of the pet store.

Friday, April 9, 2010

flaming flower


I swear he spends most of his spare time, stringing & restringing his sticks.
Not sure what he is looking for, but it never seems to be quite right.
He is so good at it now that his teammates hire him to fix theirs as well....
Totally foreign to me, but makes him happy.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

S-apple and Tehya

Does this need an explanation? An S appeared as I at an apple today. For some reason I found this interesting and set out to get a photo of it. The sun was shining so I went outside, held the apple, snapped a shot. But the sun was so bright I couldn't see the image on my camera's screen. I didn't see this picture until I downloaded it to the computer - and - lo, Tehya Tam (a lovely golden retriever) was in the shot! Apparently, she thought the apple was for her (I feel kinda sad that she got jipped - I'll give her an extra treat next time I see her).

Natures artwork

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

beads dangle from trellis

Yes, we still have snow... I took this pic before seeing your post. Fresh snow yesterday and this morning, but the sun made its appearance this evening. Last year's lavender in the golden light drew my attention. Each summer I have a small potted garden on the deck. Last year, this single pot was it! (yes, I realize lavender doesn't need a trellis, but it is a pretty trellis so it goes into the pot no matter what is planted)

Spring Flowers

Each day something new seems to burst forth,
I find I can't resist the temptation to photograph it all!
....and you are still getting snow?! Wow!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

spring snow

not much accumulation - except for on this moose's back.