Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Festival Pumpkins

In my humble opinion, the caliber of pumpkin carving has gone done since I stopped running the event. However, these few amused me....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Carving




We always start out with great enthusiasm,
picking elaborate designs which end up taking forever.
We swear we'll pick an easier design the next time,
until the next time rolls around
then we bite off more than we can chew again.
A vicious Halloween circle.
(submission for 10/29/10)

Jack Frost's velvet

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I preferred alternative meds

until I actually got hurt! These are nice. But the label is misleading, there is no maybe about it: they certainly cause dizziness!


12 years of soccer,
watching a boy turn into a man.
One night to honor all he has become,
captain, teammate, friend.
A celebration,
but the beginning of letting him go.


(submission for 10/27/10)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

done catching up!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Monday, 25 October 2010

Sunday, 24 October 2010: Okay, so I wasn't able to figure out how to do a small video. Maybe in our new game... just one small movie...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

a partial catch up

Tuesday, 26 October 2010: not a clear as yours... but...

Saturday, 23 October 2010: not the moon...

Friday, 22 October 2010: can't do much, may as well study
As far as the 24th and 25th, I had planned on submitting a couple of short videos... but can't figure out how to make the files small enough. Then planned on swiping a still from the videos for a post... can't figure that one out either. Will have to post something for those days tomorrow.


I think this little nuthatch ran into my window and was stunned as a result. It sat in the mud-bog of our yard (we are getting ready to re-seed) for quite awhile before it recovered enough to finally go on its merry way.

Monday, October 25, 2010

More local fall fun

Makes me laugh every time I drive by
(submission for 10/25/10)

Fall foraging

(submission for 10/24/10)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hunter's Moon or Patrick's Envy?

Patrick has been trying for the last 20+ years to get a good picture of the moon. I have rolls and rolls of film/negatives devoted to his attempts at a moon shot over the years. I took this one without a tripod, standing along the side of the road where I had stopped to take a shot. I guess I am finally learning how to use some of the manual settings on my camera? Patrick is totally jealous....sweet! :o)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Still leaning & dissolving

Just taken during a different season.
Perhaps I'll have to kayak out in the winter to take a pic of it then for contrast.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

a nighttime visitor and a couple of snugglers

Standard Fall Pictures

I couldn't decide between these two shots so I opted to submit both. I realize they are pretty standard Fall pics, but as we near the end of our 365 journey it seemed appropriate to come full circle and return to where I started almost a year ago now - typical fall shots.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

homely, but homey!

All the kiddos: Fra Fra, Mosey-Dosey-Doo-Doo-Boy, Trillick (Lightning and Whisper are in the tank, hiding, but there).

Spirit week

It is homecoming week at the HS and the kids have to dress up as different things each day. What warranted the picture was Ryan wearing a girlfriend's pair of skinny jeans which barely cover the parts. Ryan and Ryan (a friend) are dressing up as New Boyz ~ some rapper group I have never heard of..... I guess I am officially old now...

(submission for 10/19/10)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Only a cupcake?

A world of meaning wrapped up in one little cake.
Tradition, celebration, comfort.
Suddenly denied by life's curves,
and we slip slightly off center.
Who knew so much of ourselves was hidden within?

upside down camera, upside down life

Monday, 18 October 2010: still holding the camera upside down lefthandedly.

Sunday, 17 October 2010: Mom brought me to a rock and mineral show when I was 5 and I still have the treasure she got for me (quartz and calcite geode).

Saturday, 16 October 2010: Okay... I actually took this on the 18th.

Friday, 15 October 2010: I confess: I didn't take a picture on either the 15th or 16th. Not sure what to do about the commitment to 365. But instead of posting one of my photos taken on a different day, I'm posting someone else's photo taken on a different day (maybe even a different century). I found this on a blog for Vernacular Photography.

70 years of living...a time for transition

"Drench yourself in words unspoken,
live your life with arms wide open,
Today is where your book begins,
the rest is still unwritten."

"I dare you to move,
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor,
I dare you to move,
like today never happened,
today never happened before."
(submission for 10/17/10)

Back to the fields

Endless soccer in my life right now, sat at three soccer games today!
Lots of time to work on my action shots, though this was the only game where the lighting was decent enough to take good pics!
(submission for 10/16/10)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Playin' in the closet

Kelly had a lovely time playing around with my old clothes - trying on different outfits and different personas. Scary part is knowing that I used to be that tiny! We decided she was 'little french girl', 'corporate power woman', 'tramp in the making', 'stern Mommy after a tough day at work' and (gasp) 'the plushing bride' (yes, sadly that IS my wedding dress - recognize it?!)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

in the shadows all day

Not as planned

I guess this month is turning into my 'action' month. I actually had a plan of trying to catch the leaves falling in mid-air. I won't tell you how long I stood outside taking pics, but I will tell you that it is not as easy as it sounds! I did catch one in this pic, can you find it?! (might have to try again before the month is out..... :o)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

moon in midtown

I have to rely on an excuse for lousy photos... I am committed to finishing 365 and am only a couple of weeks shy of doing just that. But I honestly can barely lift the camera. This shot was taken from the center of my kitchen, through the window... with the screen in. I care very much to explore photography, but right now I really just want to get to the end of 365 without missing a day. I've got my fingers crossed!

Still green

up on my hill, but starting to turn.
Some of the trees down in the 'valley' are stunning,
I'll have to try to get a pic of one of them tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Unwittingly in synch today.
I took one shot earlier today, this was it.
Atleast I got off the soccer field! ;o)


Last year Martin gave me a tripod for our anniversary, this year I gave him roses.

makes me dizzy

This hints at the view from my studio window... it's not exactly what I see when I look out, but it is what the camera saw when I, single-handedly, held it upside down so I could reach the shutter release with the index finger of my left hand. The sling kinda interferes with a few things around here, including camera stability. Post for 11 October, 2010.


You can't get out of sepia mode, I can't seem to get off the field! :o)
(submission for 10/11/10)

Sunday, October 10, 2010