Friday, July 30, 2010

Some of my favorites

I have a thing for rocks.
(I seem to have a thing for many things as it turns out!!)
I have bowls & fountains full of them all over my house.
Big ones, tiny ones, doesn't matter.
I try to collect at least one in every place I visit.
My house might possibly sink under the weight of them.

The art of the brick

A lawyer turned lego artist.
Figures are lifesize - truly amazing!
(submission for 7/29/10)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Soccer hierarchy

Freshman are at the bottom of the pecking order, so they mostly sit the bench and hope for a moment or two of playtime.

limited internet, but still snappin' daily

27 July, Full moon over the Irish Sea as seen from our bedroom window.
I will post in small batches until mid August...

26 July, We've arrived, but my tripod didn't. The Wynn Cottage is our accomodations for the next two weeks.

25 July, Sunset at JFK

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Slowly dissolving

I pass this old earth dock every time I go out to our boat - I have been watching it slowly disinegrate for almost 2 decades now. For some reason, it always catches my attention - I just love it. I am not sure why the owners do nothing to repair it - they have a lovely house which overlooks it. One of the mysteries of life I guess. There is also an old boat house off to the right which is slowly leaning and falling....perhaps I'll get a picture of that next time I go by....

Cheating a bit

I actually took this picture earlier in July, however, I forgot my camera yesterday and by the time I got home it was way too late to post or take pics, so...I am cheating a bit. I loved the pic when I took it and was disappointed that I didn't have an opportunity to post it, so I guess the fates are intervening? (submission for 7/26/10)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another round of catch up

24 July: Khafre knows we're packing to go... she gets so sad.

23 July, If this looks like I just ran out the door and took a picture of any ol' thing... well then, you'd be onto me!

22 July, There's sunshine in these pills. Can you see it? Doc says I ain't gettin' enough.

Workin' by the light of the moon

At long last

Ryan's first car!
(submission for 7/23/10)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Looking for handouts

Calm before the storm

I love the river in the early morning before it is alive with boat traffic
(submission for 7/17/10)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

teensy weensy

I have a thing for old red barns.
Go figure.
(there was no angle where I could get the shot without the stupid blue trashcan, bummer!)

Monday, July 12, 2010



She looks totally ridiculous, but hopefully she will be cooler & happier now. She has been suffering from heat related skin conditions, so the vet told us to shave her. I can't look at her and keep a straight face.

Back to the garden

for inspiration.
(submission for 7/11/10)

catching up

Tendril (11 July 2010)

For Sonya (10 July 2010)

Blessing (9 July 2010)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Finally a little rain

Still some summer green

Despite the excessive heat and lack of rainfall.
(submission for 7/9/10)

Thursday, July 8, 2010


They were all sleeping when I first noticed them. Soon as Momma stood up Kiddos took their cue.

Water weirdness

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

like an offering

Mish-mash alongside the road

I literally took this as I was sitting at a busy intersection waiting for the light to change. A local nursery with stuff all over the place, I just loved the chaotic mess. Though the pots are what caught my attention to begin with, I noticed right before pulling away that the entire pickup truck was planted with an abundance of flowers. I didn't have enough time to snap the entire truck before the cars were honking behind me. Darn it! (followed the one-shot rule again, are you impressed?!)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Red sky at night,

Sailors delight!
(Red sky in morning, sailors take warning!)


Monday, July 5, 2010


it rained moment after I snapped this shot


It is 1115pm and this is the first opportunity I have had all day to take a pic.
I actually like it, even though it was taken in desperation.
Added bonus, used the one-shot rule, not bad!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

it isn't dark enough for fireworks here I just went with the other theme.
Prison Tat.