Sunday, February 28, 2010

Journey over seas

It's in the cards

A Happy Accident

Got wet, but it made a really cool waterstain.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fur Rondezvous

Okay, first of all nobody told me how difficult it is to photograph fireworks. Second, I completely forgot that there is a "firework" mode on my camera until it was over with. And lastly, driving away when the show was over I found the perfect outlook where there were no power lines in sight. I'll give it a go again on the 4th of July.

First Meet

Spent the entire day at Kelly's first meet for 2010. As usual, I have yet to figure out how to take an action shot without flash, without a tripod, in a dark gym, over the masses of other folks trying to do the same thing, so I had to give up and take a picture of her when we got home. I guess it would be a good idea to read through the book I have which explains how to do that kind of photography? Perhaps in time for the next meet?

Friday, February 26, 2010

these two are one

One shot - broken in two. The sun was in my eyes when I took this shot. I saw a guy standing near his white truck. From what I could see, it was an interesting setup- bright sun going down reflecting off the new snow and that white truck. But when I saw the shot enlarged to the size of my computer screen, I realized the guy was unloading a keg of beer from the back of the truck. That's the chunch I took out. Still, I kinda like what remains.
post for 25 feb, 2010

When I first downloaded this pic to the computer I found myself holding my breath (I was afraid the snowflakes would melt under my hot air).

Back to Snow

Instead of rain, we've switched over to snow all day. The ground is still fairly warm so it hasn't accumulated much, but it sure is pretty! The top picture was my 'one shot' and is the view out of my 'work' window (which I took earlier today). The bottom picture is the view I got while making dinner - Zede looking hopeful that someone will come out and play with her and her ball. She was so cute that I had to submit two pictures for today....

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Nuthin' but Rain

It has been raining non-stop since we returned to CT,
2 full days now.
Everything is a sea of mud.
I suppose I should be grateful it isn't snow,
we have a mighty long driveway to shovel.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

approaching Point Woronzof

All that's left is the chocolate

Home from our adventure to San Francisco,
and it feels like we were never away.
We easily slip right back into our regular routine,
the chocolate and our memories are the only evidence of our exploits.

Homeward Bound (for Feb 23, 2010)

Somewhere over the Rockies,
soaring with Jen as she takes to the heavens.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Longevity vs. brevity

We visited the majestic Redwoods today. We wandered among these magnificent giants that have been here much longer than any of us, and will hopefully continue to endure long after we are gone. A fitting activity for a day filled with heavy sadness - my thoughts and heart ache for my sister, her dear friend Jen, and the beautiful family Jen is about to leave behind. Her life here has been so brief and yet she has touched so many.

a pile of pictures

Friday, Feb 19
Sat, Feb 20

Sun, Feb 21

Mon, Feb 22
I apologize to my co-collaborator for this long break in posting. I apologize to myself as well - I've missed working with the camera. Though I've given a date to the photos above, truth be told, the posts for the 20th - 22nd all were taken today. One thing that this game offers is a chance to practice the art of discipline, not just the discipline of art. This long break has chipped away at what discipline offers. Maintaining a discipline is a chance to be with what is worthwhile. Today, working with this craft reminded of how very worthwhile daily exercise with the camera is.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Touring in the rain

I literally didn't take one picture today, absolutely pouring, so I am using a picture I took the other day. I thought it was appropriate because the entire city was shrouded in fog and rain all day long today.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Had to post it

Not very original, but definitely San Francisco.
Walked out to the middle today, cold and windy but otherwise wonderful!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Off the Grid

Communing with nature in the Yosemite Valley
I actually uploaded the pics in reverse order, but the river scene is for Thursday's submission. We descended down through the Sierras on Thursday and followed the Merced river into the Yosemite Valley. We lost all contact with the outside world, no cellphones, no internet, very basic accomodations. Spectacular!
The coyote was taken today (friday) as we were touring around the valley in the late morning. There were some tourists hiking with their two dogs on leashes. Two coyotes were out in the meadow hunting for mice and did not take too kindly to the domestic dogs being in their turf. They were howling and carrying on until the tourists loaded their dogs into their car...then the coyotes went back to hunting. What a wonderful experience to witness. This coyote actually caught a mouse as we were watching him - he was totally unimpressed by our presence...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze

Has to be one of the funniest things I have done in a very long time. Doesn't look like much from this particular photo, but you literally lose all sense of direction and are forced to walk like Frankenstein to avoid smashing headlong into the mirrors. I found myself talking to reflections of my loved ones many rows & aisles over, grateful when I finally found the REAL version of my children. Totally wild! We went through several was that amazing!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Medieval Gate?


Lilo and her caregiver where pushing a shopping cart through the store. There was such an obvious affection between them I asked if I could take their picture. Lilo likes to have her head held and wasn't much interested in facing the camera. Shortly after I snapped this, Lilo came over to me and leaned right into my body guiding my right hand to hold her head as her caregiver had. She is very generous with her affection and trust.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Longing for Lenore

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary...
I realize that this isn't exactly a typical valentine's theme, but I have been chasing ravens recently. Obsessed (let's call it love). Can't seem to get their image the way I see it and feel it. So. I decided to photograph some aspect of the poem instead.

Valentine's Day

A single red rose and dinner out with friends.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


All that's left

I took a picture on Thanksgiving of an old abandoned house that I pass daily. It always made me sad that the house was so desolate, empty, bereft of laughter, love, family. They knocked that house down shortly after I took the picture and this is all that is left now, an outhouse. They have completely cleared the lot of trees, the house, any sign of it's former history. I guess they are preparing for something new to replace it, but I must admit that I miss that old house. Who will remember it's story and the folks who shared it now that it is all gone? Why have they left this one small reminder?

Friday, February 12, 2010

coming down from the mountain


I have absolutely no idea what this is supposed to be, but I thought it was pretty interesting. We have an outdoor sculpture show here called the "Ivoryton Mile". Renowned sculptors display their pieces in front of businesses and homes all along main street for a year. Sometimes the pieces change but the bigger ones tend to stay put. Kind of fun to drive along each day and see which have changed and which have become absorbed into our daily landscape.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


That's not for a few more days.

Newly Fallen Snow

I know I have taken a bunch of snow pictures of late, but hey, it is winter! As I drive around doing my daily errands I can't help but admire all the fresh snow and the wonderful play on light & dark contrasts it creates. Beauty all around me! This was another stop the car, turn around, go back for a shot location...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I know the life jackets just happen to be there year round, but I would be intimidated if they're presence implied anything about the ice. Looks like these skaters felt safe enough to not wear them.
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Winter Wonderland

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

no time for futzing

The light turned green as soon as I lifted my camera. Don't worry, I keep the camera on "auto" when I'm driving. And I never use my cell phone when I'm taking pictures.


...with light, with motion, with the settings on my camera.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I took this photograph because our butterdish grosses me out. Kinda icky, eh? And lo, my co-contributor submitted a buttery toned pic tonight. Nice. In-Synch, again.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I didn't watch the super bowl, but I know who won - so don't worry about my salvation. This may not be as messmerizing as a blazing fire (I love fire) and it is not as scarry as an explosion (I hope everyone is okay). It is Fireweed, a plant I love and value. Though it may seem like a bit of a stretch, it's another connection for me. I didn't know my photogaming partner posted a pic of fire when I started snapping shots of notes on Fireweed.

Explosions, fire & football

At 1030 pm, I found I have not accomplished much today. A much needed day of rest for sure, but not very productive in the picture taking department. Snapped this while watching the superbowl, but my thoughts are really on the bigger fire from today - a massive explosion 20 miles north of here at a local power plant - rocked my house even being that far away. Scary.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I feel guilty for posting two pics - especially two pics of snow! The East coast got more than we did. Still, I couldn't resist - guilty or otherwise.

This may be too small to show, but one snowflake shows up as a star...