Sunday, January 31, 2010

From the distant view

... to the close


Went to see the Harry Potter exhibit at the Museum of Science today. A poor, unknown woman imagines this wonderful story. With just her imagination and a pen she puts into words a tale which millions will ultimately read and treasure. Those wonderful books are made into movies which now give her amazing imagination even more substance. Something we all can reach out and touch, feel, immerse ourselves in ... imagination come to life, much better can it be?! Pretty darn cool!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


That's what it was labled when it was sent to me. I have a dear friend in Ashville, NC and she snapped this shot of her grandchild. I know this breaks the rulse of the game, as I did not take this pic. But it doesn't break the spirit of the game as I just love the view that this give us! My post for 30 jan 2010 is below.

It's either too expensive, or not drinkable. Personally, I'm not willing to find out.

Pick me, please pick me!

Connecticut Cardinals Lacrosse Try-outs
Day one

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Two dogs, four pots.

Two of which are shown here. I cook more for my dogs than I do for the people in the hosue.


While this picture is not terribly interesting (other than the great colors & texture), it does represent a major milestone in my photographic journey - I took this picture OVERTLY in PUBLIC - yes, in the middle of a store, right in front of the cash registers and the whole wide world! I will admit that I did feel silly and self conscious (Why exactly is she taking pictures of balls?!) but I am pleased that I finally worked up the nerve....perhaps I will be a pro at public picture taking by the end of photo 365? For the record, I absolutely love those balls - I had one, Ryan popped it, a very sad day...

Seeing Double

a mere one minute late for 27 jan's posting

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The scent of Amber

I love libraries

Waiting for Kelly today while she tutored a 4th grade math student in our local library. The Ivory trade was responsible for creating our small community back in the 1800's and the library is still housed in it's original building from that era. It has all kinds of historical artifacts, pictures & elephants tucked in among all the books. By no means a modern, bustling library, but wonderful none-the-less!

Friday, January 22, 2010

vein & nerve

The coveted bear

My mother carved this sleeping bear out of marble.
I have always loved this bear.
I have always wanted this bear.
It sat in a place of honor in our home, all the years I grew up.
A few years ago I 'fessed up that I have always coveted this bear.
Now it sits in a place of honor in my own house.
I absolutely love this bear!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ring my bell

Liquid Torture!

Ever tried to apply this stuff to a dog's sensitive nose? Pure Hell. While this is not a very interesting photo, it does say an awful lot about my daily life. My dog re-opened an old wound on her nose, it can't be stitched, she bleeds like a stuck pig every time it opens up. She tracks and drips blood in great torrents all over the house. This is the only solution. She hates it. It takes two of us to hold her down and one to attempt the her forehead, to her muzzle, we hit any place but where we actually intend.....never mind trying to control the ever darting tongue. We all want to know, how many more days of this?!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time To Reflect

A swarm

This solitary Grackle looks deceivingly peaceful and lonesome. Below him/her there is a monstrous flock of like minded birds who decided to invade my feeders today. Surprisingly, there was a mixture of common Grackles and Red-Winged Blackbirds, not just Grackles as I had previously assumed. A massive gathering of birds, all swarming, retreating en mass. Really quite spectacular to behold. I wish the sun had been out today to better catch the wonderful iridescent coloring of these birds....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sea Monster from the edge of the known territories

Available, for your convenience, at the local metaphysical shop.

My attempt at 'jungle-y'

Despite loving houseplants, they do not love me.
I usually kill them.
I want jungle-y, usually I end up with spindly or dead.
I'm not ready to give up yet though,
Type A determination keeps me trying over & over.
Maybe someday I'll succeed?!

Where was my focus?

Post for 17 January 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I sat on the couch all day, literally.
I did absolutely nothing.
Can't remember the last time I did that.
Ryan made me dinner & a giant cookie.
Scandalous all around.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Still in the red

Warning: Another weird one!

Patrick & I had a business dinner tonight, a hour's drive North of home. Patrick was driving so I had two hours to kill.....just sitting idle with my camera....So........ I played. MANY weird things came out of that two hour moving play session, but I actually thought this one was kind of cool. Wa-la, pic for the day! Weird, I freely admit, but in an interesting, artistic way?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Not black-n-white

Forgive me for taking liberties. Not only did I not use the One Shot rule, but I didn't stick to even one subject. Actually, in my mind, I did: Red.

Opening my eyes

I love this game because it forces me to pay attention to the world around me. I just discovered this little waterfall/creek today, despite the fact that I must drive by it a half a dozen times per week. I never noticed it before. Today I actually stopped, turned around, got out of the car and really LOOKED. Totally cool....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

black-n-white day

Though I did take a b-n-w photo, it did look black-n-white in reality anyway.

Sad but true

My eyes are getting old.
Things are definitely blurry, everything is written in miniscule print. Having never worn glasses, I now have them and need them to decipher all those tiny words which are slowly disappearing into a blurry haze. I can never seem to find my glasses when I need them, so I have "The Hippo" for quickies. Large, round, and hard to misplace....added bonus...cute! I think I need a herd of Hippo's to distribute throughout my house....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

With one minute to go

I'm willing to admit a certain fascination with hotel carpeting.
Who comes up with these designs?
Though I couldn't live with the busy jumble
in my own home, I love the peculiar variety.

A day for baths...

Completely independent of each other, my father and I were in synch today. I finally got around to getting my filthy car washed, Dad finally got around to washing the stinky dog (that I have been procrastinating about for months). Seemed ironic enough to have a two photo submission for today....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

a subtle coincidence

What is the coincidence that is hinted at in these pics posted today? Give up? Without planning it out with each other in advance, we did it again. We both made a photo today that is a variation on one the other made in the past. I did Ogres are like onions, v2.1 based on her v1.1 posted on 11.23.2009. She did Happy New Decade, v2.1 based on my v1.1 posted on 12.31.2009. Subtle. We are connected in unexpected ways. How many connections go unnoticed?


I was waiting in a parking lot for Kelly, this snow bank was waiting for.....????
I liked the contrast between light & dark and the wonderfully funky shapes the snow was making....

Monday, January 11, 2010


Hey, waddaya say? No one is looking. Me n you? Romp in the snow? C'mon, let em just try n catch us.


I get really bored with eating/cooking the same stuff all the time, and yet despite loving to cook, I still find myself in a culinary rut on a regular basis. Not enough time, no inspiration. I was watching a cooking show last night with the clan (yes, sadly we all like cooking shows) so I was inspired to be a bit more creative for dinner tonight. Not a new recipe, but we haven't had it in a while. Does that count as expanding our horizons?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lit up

with a different kind of fire at dinner


I love eating by candle light.
I am alone in this desire.
I have a family of light lovers.
They always complain that I make them eat in the dark.
We had a 'fend for yourself dinner' tonight (translation: Mom isn't cooking)
so I took advantage of everyone else being busy and sat down to a nice candle-lit dinner.
Just me, peacefully enjoying my candles.
Then the masses arrived,
one by one,
bringing their complaints about the dark and their light.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's on my mind as well

A little moisture, a little wind, and a chill...

What's on my mind?

Skating, hockey and more skating and hockey!
We finally have ice,

Friday, January 8, 2010

worked too late for the sunset

This may not capture the joy I get from a ceremonial smoke, but even breaking the seal becomes a moment of meditation for which I am thankful.