Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Decade!

So I intended to take a picture to celebrate New Year's Eve. First choice: the Full Moon.
Couldn't quite get the shot; the moon in a perfectly clear sky tricked my camera into a funk of light-sprays. Next choice: Fireworks. But, by start of show the icefog rolled in. This shot wasn't a thought out choice. I snapped the snowbank at our parking spot for the fireworks display. Luckily we staked out a spot before the fog rolled in!
Hoping 2010 is a good year for everyone!

The last second of the decade

atleast on the East Coast....
Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009



A 3100 piece, 3D puzzle of the Manhattan skyline,
so far all that has arisen from the ashes is a yellow cab.
We might finish by New Year 2011.....

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I had "birthday" on the mind as well... but came up with not a whole lot. Did stay in the frog tank for this one: Water Sprite budding.
Sorry to hear about your bad weather and disaster, but I agree that it
makes for a good photo!


Thinking of you on your birthday today, planned on posting a cute b-day type photo, then disaster struck! Fridgid temps, wind chill factors, gale force winds, debris and chaos. Out running regular, every day errands when a wayward 'something' smashed through the back window of my car and shattered it. An adventure we could have done without, but it did make for an interesting photo for today!

Monday, December 28, 2009

as a birthday approaches

I'm getting sentimental and reflective.
Whisper, the frog,represents a year of transition.

A wedding band: hands holding the heart.
A new gift to self: a heart that has grown wings.
What more does one need than to be held and to be free?


until Spring,
when it will re-awaken and lumber back to life.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

do you know the one about...

We joke about driving South and not stopping until someone asks "What's that extension cord doing hanging out the front of your car?" But it's been so warm this week, an extension cord could at least be used to plug in Christmas lights.

Our newly licensed CT driver....

Now I have a whole NEW set of worries to generate gray hair!

Friday, December 25, 2009

happy christmas



all 9.5 lbs of him.


in her gifts....

Christmas Eve

Late, again. A picture from and for the 24Th. This is a picture of...
Did you guess?
A vegetable platter,
back-lit by a candle.
I'm still playing with the manual mode...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

what's inside

Though I missed posting this on the 23rd by about 10 minutes,
it is intended for that day.
It is, also, a continuation of the post from
the day of Dec 13.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Classic New England - Take 2

What a difference 6 days makes!
I might have to take this same picture during all four seasons,
just for the sheer fun of it!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

evening sun through crystals, 3pm

an increase of 6 seconds of light on the first day
after Solstice

Ivoryton's longest icicle?!

44 1/2 inches at last count, and still growing.
Can't get it all in the frame without being miles away from it.
Truly an amazing feat of nature!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Still trying to use manual mode
snow is just darn hard to capture.
The blue snow, 12/20... taken at 2pm. It was already dark.
The cepia snow, 12/20... dead of night.
The sparklely pinecone, 12/21... simply for fun.
Happy Solstice

The candy making continues

A very long story indeed...
will we be done by tomorrow?!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

catching up

16 December, Marisa's "Gingerbread House"

17 December, bus from GC to JFK

18 December, sunspirits fading - gonna rise in 3 days

Christmas reflections

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sycamore through the seasons

I love this tree.
It always catches my eye.
I must drive by it a gazillion times a week,
yet I always pause to take a look.
I love to see it change with the season,
yet always stay the same.

Monday, December 14, 2009

this may not illustrate it

but I'm getting some tips on the many
functions of this camera

Finally some time

to make my own music

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009


Not actually in this shot.
Every time I raised the camera, he flittled out of sight

A social commentary

Snowflakes & Snowmen,
Winter or Christmas?
According to VRHS,
so they are taboo.
When did we get to be so ridiculous?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

the next generation carries on

... after they learn their spelling

yesterday it was a way to get up one floor

today it goes all the way to the Upper Room
(post for 9 December 2009 - for Aunt Florence)

Sunset on the hill

Everytime I drive up to the High School to pick up Ryan, I wish I had my camera. Situated on the top of a hill, there are always spectacular sunsets. Today I remembered my camera!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First snow fall of the year

so pretty,
...then torrential rain to wash it all away.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An art assignment

A sculpey representation of me as an artist?
Morphed as I worked,
A heron? a goose?...
a weird looking peacock!
A photographer.
Trying on a new artistic title.
Naturally I need a little red wagon,
to contain all the stuff required for my new self.