Tuesday, August 31, 2010


He could have cared less as I rumbled by on my tractor.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Really, it was raining as I snapped this...

They're everywhere!

and I am clearly obsessed!
I can't seem to get the perfect shot,
so I will have to keep at it until I get it right!
(submission for 8/30/10)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

on again, the rain

Pie dog

One of her favorite tricks,
being able to hold 3 tennis balls simultaneously without giving any of them up.
(submission for 8/28/10)

Still preoccupied with the creepy critters

(submission for 8/27/10)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

full yesterday, still kinda full today

Architectural detail

The Belvedere Hotel in NYC.
How many folks do you think walk by on a daily basis and never notice the details?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

monkshood flower

Catching up - yet again!

(submission for 8/24/10)

(submission for 8/23/10)

(submission for 8/22/10)

Male bonding over metal parts
(submission for 8/21/10)

(submission for 8/20/10)

Ocean view from the "Ocean House"
(submission for 8/19/10)

Sunset through the porthole
(submission for 8/18/10)

Morning in the cove
(submission for 8/17/10)

Playing chicken in kayaks?!
From the look on Wink's face, looks like Mom wins!
(submission for 8/16/10)

Monday, August 16, 2010

slippin' back into sepia

My turn

Reproachful or Sad?
Bags are being packed and she knows she is being left behind.
Off for a week on the boat, no internet, no dogs.
I'll snap daily and catch up when I return.
(submission for 8/15/10)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

the fruits of our record-breaking precipitation

late posts - blame it on jet lag

Friday, 13 August: Fra is beginning to forgive me for leaving her. Can you see that faint smile?

Thursday, 12 August

Pong mania

My sister is in town for her annual visit.
Means we have to obsessively play all the games
she doesn't get to play during the rest of the year.
Ping-pong mania has set in.....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Back to frolicking

(submission for 8/13/10)

The whole scene

Dissolving dock & leaning boathouse
(submission for 8/12/10)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

back with the familiar

Wednesday, 11 August: at home & playing with color - a bank my brother gave me 26 years ago and the nasturtium growing in my potted garden (by-the-way, neither my brother nor myself have been to Acapulco).

In Route

Tuesday, 10 August: I think this was taken in Sea-Tac... but I was in and out of so many airports I can't be sure.

August 6, 7, 8, & 9

Friday, 6 August: Young Chestnut
Old Town Lane

Saturday, 7 August: foreground - Young Martin; distance - Simon & Louise; further - Irish Sea
Annalong, County Down, Northern Ireland

Sunday, 8 August: Sheeps
Spelga Dam

Monday, 9 August : Warren Point
Northern Ireland on the border of the Republic