Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mom and Pops on the tram (plus the views!)

Baking with Kelly

becomes a family affair.
He came through hoping to get a sample,
instead he got pressed into service.

Monday, June 28, 2010


A day of extremes

So hot we bring the dogs to the river to cool them off
(would you throw the ball all ready?!)

We bring ourselves out to the boat to cool off
but thunderstorms/squalls blow through and trap us for over an hour.
Atleast it is cooler now!

Long Island LAX Fest

(Submission for 6/27/10)

Spirit House

(Submission for 6/26/10)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

darker inside than out

still here in the midnight sun....

Friday, June 25, 2010

up the hillside

Another Green doo/sourdough bisquits day

I had a hard time picking just one picture today. Since that seems to be such a rare thing nowdays (usually I am struggling to come up with one!) I decided to include all three of my favorites. I figured it was in synch with the Sourdough bisquits and Green doo project back in May.... ;o)

Anyway, went on a playdate with my Dad today to the wooden boat show in Mystic. Saw lots of cool things, but these three were my favorites.

The last one (the lady with the dog) just totally tickled my funny bone. That dog was absolutely rapt, she had his complete undivided attention. Too funny!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

odds n ends

... and out of them all Pops was taken by the rattle


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Botanical Gardens

Summer & Water

For me, they just go together.
Can't have one without the other!

Cool Critter

(submission for 6/22/10 - sorry its late!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

All of us

Waiting for the sun to go down (won't happen - pic took at 11:29pm). From left to right: Fifi, Johnny, Martin with Moses, Khafre with Avenue.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Just missed it...

They were in the process of taking the sails down when I finally got close enough to take a picture. They were quite a spectacular sight with all the sails up. Bummer!

the rains have lifted (post for Sunday June 20, 2010)

happy solstice

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I don't know who he is, but he spent the entire game texting

Saturday, June 19, 2010

ET impersonation

In an effort to clean house, I piled up Khafre's toys. Finding the pile, she reclaimed it. (She's the black one with the shiny eye!)

A spot of color

Walking a beach on the river today looking for driftwood and spotted this flower growing in the marsh thicket. It was so industrious, I had to take a pic!

Friday, June 18, 2010

"Fra" and her baby

Creepy Critters everywhere!!!

I don't mean to complain, but have you ever noticed when you don't like something you see it EVERYWHERE?! I don't kill them, so I am often forced to move them. Since I get the major heebie-jeebies, they are everywhere I turn. This one was hanging out on our soccer net today.... (yes, I am preoccupied....sorry for the repetition in pics)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

ladder to nowhere


Boring pic today, but a necessary one. Broken parts from our boat - vintage 1972. What do you think the chances are that we will be able to find replacements in 2010?! Modern meets ancient, I'm emailing pics of the parts in the hopes that someone in FLA might be able to help us out....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

there's no place like home

15 June 2010 - late post (oops!)

All the accoutrements...

Today is Ryan's 17th birthday. We bought him his first car a month and a half ago as his gift, but here we are on the actual day and we are still waiting to take possession of it. Ryan now has all the accoutrements for his new car, including tacky fuzzy dice (courtesy of his sister), but he is still missing the main component - the car itself.

He is clearly less than thrilled,
while Kelly is quite pleased with herself. She thinks the fuzzy dice are the absolute highlight....
Now we are ALL waiting with bated breath for this darn car!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

That's a lot of grass

Every Tuesday my Dad and I volunteer at a local therapeutic riding center,
we maintain the grass in areas where the horses can't reach to eat it.
Despite their near constant munching,
it is still a surprisingly large amount of grass to deal with!

Monday, June 14, 2010

first to inhabit land after a forest fire



Halftime at Ryan's soccer game, sitting in my car playing with the camera & reflections. I ultimately had to take this through the side window or the whole reflection in the rearview mirror disappeared and I just got the parking lot & the cars behind me. I like that you can also see the faint reflection of my hand & the camera lens.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

float plane wake

Worn out

After spending the entire weekend driving all over CT for various lacrosse events, I am worn out. I'm not normally a fan of watching TV, but felt the need to veg tonight. Did read a bit of my camera manual on commercials just to feel productive.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Did it to myself

I also did look at my co-photo-maker's post before submitting mine. Still intact; the finger and the agency!

Still intact for now

but looking mighty old and wrinkled

Thursday, June 10, 2010

what I love about today's posts

is that the picture-makers switched roles in how they play with color!

Unwanted power

Despite my best attempts at avoidance,
I've ended up with the dreaded book.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010